The Chi-rho and other Pagan symbols in the Church

Chi-rho or the “sign of Christ” as Constantine claimed, but actually it is a pagan symbol. The “P” in the Chi-rho is the pagan symbol of the sun (Mitheras) and not the son (Yeshua).

The chi-rho is a very prominent landmark in the Vatican city. If you take a look at St. Peter’s square you will see the chi-rho again and in the center of the chi-rho is an obelisk, yet another pagan symbol.


What is an obelisk?
To early Egyptians it was the shape sacred to the Sun God Re or Ra; the creator of humanity, the source of all heat and light, the being on whom man was totally dependent. By the fifth dynasty Re had become so popular he was elevated to the role of state deity. His main center of worship was On-Heliopolis where the first kings erected primitive obelisks, rough-hewn and truncated, but tipped off by the pyramid shape which distinguishes obelisks from other monumental columns. These prototype obelisks were known as 'benben' stone.

The spirit of the Sun-God was supposed
to enter the stones at certain periods, and on these occasions human sacrifices were
offered to it. The victims were probably
prisoners of war who had been captured alive, and foreigners, and when these failed, the priests must have drawn upon the native population.

Yule Wheel

Yule is the yearly celebration of the rebirth of the Pagan sun god. Note the resemblance between the chi-rho and the Yule wheel.

Other Pagan symbols

Another Pagan symbol is the “eye of Horus”. This is also the emblem of the Illuminati, a Satanic cult, who’s main objective is a One World Order which also means one religion, Satanism…. And they already managed to infiltrate Christianity without us even realizing it!


DO NOT BE DECEIVED:  Not all Gods are one God. 
There are only one ALLMIGHTY GOD… YHWH!


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